Fringe Agenda

Friday 18th October


Gut health is so crucial to our overall health and wellbeing. This session will be looking at how to eat mindfully to support the gut health.


We all have our feelings and fingertips with us all the time so learn how to put them to good use! Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) is painless and powerful, allowing you to clear negative thoughts, feelings and memories in minutes. It’s a skill for life so what have you got to lose?!!

Ruth is a “stresspert” with over 20 years experience. She is a therapist, speaker and author. Her background is in Education and she is an Honorary Fellow of Brunel University and a Fellow of the International Stress management Association. She has a masters degree and diploma in Counselling Psychology and has also trained in coaching, hypnotherapy, stress management and EFT.

Saturday 19th October


Learn 5 simple techniques that will improve your running with this short masterclass, followed by an opportunity to put them into practice with a 5k around the stunning grounds of the Cotswold Water Park. Suitable for all levels of running ability, from seasoned parkrunner to complete beginner.

George Anderson is a wellbeing and performance expert working with teams and individuals to help them boost their resilience, mindset and energy. In a previous life he was a running coach, delivering workshops around the UK and Ireland based on his ‘Intelligent Running’ principles. He was the training partner with the Reading Half Marathon for 13 years, an official London Marathon pacemaker, and author of the 500+ 5* Amazon review best-seller Beginner’s Luck Guide for Non-Runners. George has run 24 hour 100 mile ultra marathons, 10 back to back marathons and a sub-3 hour marathon off a 2 run-a-week program applying the same techniques he will be sharing in this Fringe event.


Do you fancy discovering the joy of singing with others? Creating an instant choir? Learning some world songs whilst adding rhythms? This is the workshop for you! This is a workshop for EVERYONE who wishes to experience singing and making music with others in a relaxed, inclusive atmosphere. I am delighted to be sharing world songs – and a well loved song that I have used for team building exercises that will be fun, energising and are guaranteed to make you feel good. No previous experience is necessary. This is about creating a community through music

 Ex-International Prize winning opera singer; award winning business owner; international speaker, facilitator and coach, empowers emerging leaders to speak and communicate with impact, credibility clarity and confidence in all business conversations. She has clients globally, including multi-national companies and professional associations. Not only is she a Fellow of the PSA, but a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society – for collecting and using world songs in her work!


When does your mind stop?

Use this gap between the day’s sessions and evening’s festivities to:

  • learn how to absorb more information by stopping
  • boost the battery for better partying
  • create memories – without your phone!!

Most people fear anxiety. But what if you didn’t? What if learning about anxiety could enhance your life and the lives of those around you? This is what Caroline Cavanagh does. She teaches people about the role of anxiety and how they can use it to increase their mental resilience and performance.


Come and hang out at the only fringe event with free beer! Both in the sense of without alcohol and without charge. Meet some like minded speakers and talk about alcohol free living (or anything else that happens to be on your mind). Together we’ll figure out how to change the world.

Duncan is a speaker, an author and a morris dancer.

Some people say that he’ll help you to go beyond alcohol. But that isn’t it. Duncan will help you increase your energy, power up your productivity, improve your relationships and enjoy the heck out of life.

He works with individuals and businesses to help them reduce the harm caused by alcohol.

He lives near Oxford with one wife, one daughter and two bonsai trees. As well as morris dancing he also enjoys falling off his inline skates.

Sunday 20th October

07:30 - Meet in the hotel foyer

We will be organising a walk around the lakes at the venue where there will be ample opportunity to take photos and to discuss with others the techniques and composition for good pictures.

Trained in photography and audio-visual production, David Henson set up The Regent Slide Company in 1986 and spent years producing thousands of 35mm slides for many and varied businesses. But it was spending time sitting in audiences listening to professional speakers that brought home the realisation that even good speakers produce bad slides. And now he’s on a crusade to eradicate excruciatingly boring visual communications and to teach people how to produce slides and presentations that wow their audiences and that make their talks memorable and effective.

Taking photos since his parents bought him a camera in 1970, William now focuses on the beauty of our landscapes. His images show some of the beautiful world in which we can choose to tread lightly and protect. 

07:30 - Starling

If you even thought yoga wasn’t for you try this! Many of us have tried yoga but felt uncomfortable, maybe even stressed by it, and didn’t get that promised ah-ha moment of self awareness. Or maybe ideas about flexibility have hindered you from even trying it? (quick tip- it isn’t necessary at all). You are invited to experience simple uplifting movements to a soundtrack of belting tunes, and experience your capacity to be joyful in the moment. By alternating fun and stillness, this practice allows the most challenged minds to be guided to calm and experience the power and freedom inside every one of us. So come along and join the fun – it is yoga, but not as you know it!

Emily Haslam-Jones is a highly trained yoga teacher and founder of Yoganova, alongside being a therapist and speaker. She draws from a wide range of practices presented in simple and accessible ways, whilst working to increase the evidence-base and profile of yoga as a tool for emotional regulation and trauma processing. She advocates practice that releases the practitioner from attempting to hold still, which has great application for ADHD and PTSD. She works with both adults and children, debunking the mystification of yoga practice and promoting simple fun tools that help people simply feel better.


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